cReEpInG n' PeEpInG iNtO mY iMaGiNeErInG


Wednesday, February 23, 2005


congrats again baby, I'm so proud of you!

anyone realize that the shocker is just a slight variation of the Buddhist holy hand symbol?

no wonder he was always happy and smiling.
buddha rocks.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

why do I bother.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

hahahaha I forgot about this!
I miss my sexy penguin...

Monday, February 07, 2005

how do I love thee?
let me oink the ways...
i love you baby

someone's gotta invent bunny uppers... pity cuz they're SOOO cute!

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

holy crap, it's been a crazy couple of months! needless to say.. I cleaned up alot of trash...and managed to get rid of all evidence... heh...

anyhooo! hope y'all are doing fine out there in cyberland and havin a gay ol' time peepin into the minds of willing outpourers.

Anybody ever have an urge to go to the movies, like you're all psyched up to go, call up your friends/loved ones - then check out the listings only to figure out that complete and utter crap is playing? Stuff you wouldn't watch even if it's free - only if your eyes were pried open, you were tied up to a chair, and fed popcorn and visine drops throughout - and even then you'd figure out some way to become deaf and sink your eyeballs deeper into your head. Ah well.

5 Tips to Manage your Way Through a Horrid Movie

1. Get completely high.

  • It makes all those high priced snacks even tastier!
  • Any corny jokes or overly dramatic/intense scenes become tolerable!
  • Helps you to analyze/realize the imporant things of the movie. Such as, "Why is her shirt so blue?", "Dude, what's this movie about?", and "These nachos taste SOO good"

2. Get completely drunk.

  • It won't matter if you have to break the seal to keep peeing, cuz you're not missing much anyways!
3. Bring your own portable dvd player.

  • Nothing like ruining a deafening quiet scene with moans and groans filtering from some side porn playing!
4. Bring your own recording device.

  • Record fav lines from other tv shows/movies.
    ex. Homer, "Booooring" or Arnie's, "Who is your daddy and what does he do?"
  • Record your own loud and obnoxious laugh tracks and the such.
5. Bring a complete slut to make out/fuck with.

  • whether it be a slutty stranger or your slutty girlfriend/boyfriend!
Go and make a dry movie juicy!